Embark on Your Shamanic Journey

Shamanism is ancient Earth-based indigenous wisdom that’s individualized across cultures and belongs to those cultures. Applied Shamanism respectfully utilizes certain shamanic practices found in most cultures in a practical and adapted way relevant to today.  

With humility and regard, Erica humbly uses Applied Shamanism to practice in a therapeutic context to help heal and maintain the well-being of the self, the earth, and all beings. The process may include Shamanic journeys, soul retrievals, power retrievals, space clearings, and drum healings.  

You helped me open doors for my spiritual growth

“How can I tell you how much I appreciate our session? A simple ‘thanks’ doesn't seem adequate. You helped me open doors for my spiritual growth I didn't even know I needed until the doors were unlocked. You are the best and I appreciate your patience, knowledge, and support.”


Shamanic counseling is a sovereign entry into the Shamanic journey and incorporates dream interpretation to deepen your insights further as you renew your relationship with your inner psyche. You tap into an inherent wisdom to access knowledge, guidance, clarity and successfully call upon in your life to guide your decision-making. 

Applied Shamanic counseling and processes are beneficial for you when you’re ready to let go of self-limiting beliefs, renew your vigor, heal trauma, connect with your sacred sovereignty, remember your purpose, and operate from a place of empowerment.